Honduras Schooling in Ciudad Espana

what is available?

Public Option

Trebol public school: Offers 1st– 9th grade. There are no high school options, and public school is ‘free’ through 6th grade, but there is always a cost. Since it is a public school funded by the government, there are very few resources, which means the kids have a really hard time because they are essentially just copying all day. It does use uniforms even though it is public. Oftentimes the teachers will not come in for weeks at a time, leaving the kid without any teacher.

Private Option

Liceo Emanuel: kindergarten-high school. This is the more affordable option though the education maybe is not quite as strict or rigorous as the other private school. It is where we have always had our kids due to agreements we have with them in allowing them to take older kids and to work with kids whose grades aren’t up to par.

Juan Wesley: kindergarten-limited high school. The most expensive & also rigorous option in town. Very strict disciple & also heavy workload.